
Metabolic Disorder

Sugar Consumption Impacts Metabolic Disorder

Sugar Consumption impacts Metabolic Disorder: I have a sweet tooth. I look at brownie with dollop of ice-cream and I forget immediately how much sugar and refined flour it will have that can probably be half of the calories that I need in full day. Dietary guidelines advise that people limit added sugars to less than 10% of their daily calorie intake. For a daily intake of 2,000 calories, added sugar should account for fewer than 200 calories. 

World Health Organization (WHO) advised that sugar Consumption impacts Metabolic Disorder people eat half this amount, with no more than 5% of their daily calories coming from added sugar. For a diet of 2,000 calories per day, this would amount to 100 calories, or 6 tsp, at the most. One must limit our sugar consumption as it may result in below issues:

  • Tooth decay: very common in kids especially when they too much of sugar. Sugar feeds bacteria that live in the mouth. When bacteria digest the sugar, they create acid as a waste product. This acid can erode tooth enamel, leading to holes or cavities in the teeth.
  • Weight Gain and Obesity: Rates of obesity are rising worldwide and added sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, is thought to be one of the main culprits. Sugary beverages don’t curb your hunger, making it easy to quickly consume a high number of liquid calories. This can lead to weight gain. Drinking a lot of sugar-sweetened beverages is linked to an increased amount of visceral fat, a kind of deep belly fat associated with conditions like diabetes and heart disease
  • Acne: Sugary foods quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, causing increased androgen secretion, oil production and inflammation, all of which play a role in acne development.
  • Heart Attack: Evidence suggests that high-sugar diets can lead to obesity, inflammation and high triglyceride, blood sugar and blood pressure levels — all risk factors for heart disease. Additionally, consuming too much sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened drinks, has been linked to atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by fatty, artery-clogging deposits.
  • Type-2 Diabetes: prolonged high-sugar consumption drives resistance to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance causes blood sugar levels to rise and strongly increases your risk of diabetes.
  • This can also lead to higher risk of cancer, can lead to depression, fatty liver and fasten skin ageing process.

So many times, we hear someone say people with high rate of metabolism are blessed because they can eat better and their body consume the energy that is produced. Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Chemicals in your digestive system break the food parts down into glucose(sugar) and acids, your body’s fuel. Your body can use this fuel right away, or it can store the energy in your body tissues, such as your liver, muscles, and body fat. Understanding the relationship between sugar consumption impacts metabolic disorder can help manage how your body processes energy.

A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical reactions in your body disrupt this process. When this happens, you might have too much of some substances or too little of other ones that you need to stay healthy. There are different groups of disorders.

Some affect the breakdown of amino acids, carbohydrates, or lipids. Another group, mitochondrial diseases, affects the parts of the cells that produce the energy. You can develop a metabolic disorder when some organs, such as your liver or pancreas, become diseased or do not function normally.

Sugar Impacts Metabolic disorders can be caused because of below reasons:

  • Metabolic Pathways: Food is broken down in a series of steps by cellular enzymes (proteins that catalyse the conversion of compounds called substrates) into products with a different biochemical structure. These products then become the substrate for the next enzyme in a metabolic pathway. If an enzyme is missing or has diminished activity, the pathway becomes blocked, and the formation of the final product is deficient, resulting in disease. Low activity of an enzyme may result in the subsequent accumulation of the enzyme’s substrate, which may be toxic at high levels. 
  • Genetic Mutations: The molecular blueprint for nearly all enzymes, structural proteins, cellular transport proteins, and other constituents that are responsible for carrying out the complex reactions involved in metabolism is stored as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the nucleus of the cell. A small amount of DNA of critical importance to metabolism also is contained in cellular organelles called mitochondria. DNA is organized into smaller units, termed genes, which direct the production of specific proteins or enzymes. When a gene is mutated in such a way as to produce a defective enzyme with diminished or absent function, it can lead to metabolic disorder.
  • Inheritance: Sometimes children gets metabolic disorder from their parents. There are higher chances of metabolic disorder being transferred from father or mother to their offspring. Child can show this disorder from beginning or may show symptoms later in life, depending on which kind of disorder it is.

What one should be aware of there body language. Body does show us sign and symptoms if something is not right with it. One has to observe and read these signs and consult doctor. One should not ignore them for long till they become diseases.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol Consumption 

  • Healthy people metabolize alcohol consumption at consistent rate (15ml per hour).
  • Men can consume up to 28 units per week.
  • Women up to 21 units per week.
  • Red wine induces fat burning if consumed in moderation. 

One Unit is 10 ml (8ml is pure alcohol)

Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA)

  • Beer – 350 ml/d
  • Red Wine – 120 ml/d
  • Hard Drinks – 30 ml/d

Alcohol & Metabolism

Our bodies cannot store alcohol. When we drink it, it is quickly absorbed through our small intestines and ends up in our bloodstream. Because it cannot be stored for later use, unlike fats and sugars, it goes to the front of the queue to be dealt with by our livers. Effectively,  alcohol consumption puts every other digestive process on hold, which can lead to the build-up of fat in the liver, one of the first steps towards liver disease.

Alcohol contains empty calories and has no nutritional value. It can often contribute to malnutrition because the high levels of calories in most alcoholic drinks can account for a large percentage of your daily energy requirements.

Your body cannot store alcohol, so it must metabolize it right away. When you drink alcohol, your body makes metabolizing it a priority over all other metabolic processes. Your body sends alcohol to the liver, which produces the enzymes necessary for the oxidation and metabolism of alcohol.  Around 98% of alcohol that is consumed is processed in the liver, with the other two to ten percent being expelled through urine, breathing, or sweat. The amount of alcohol in a standard drink will take around 10 hours for the average person to process it.

Given alcohol is a by-product of yeast digestion.

Maintaining adequate blood sugar levels is one of the key functions of your metabolism, but when you drink alcohol, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is one of the first elements of metabolism to be shoved aside in your body’s rush to excrete the toxins as efficiently as possible.

Alcohol inhibits your body’s ability to make glucose and to maintain healthy levels of glucose or blood sugar in the blood. Even occasional alcohol consumption can cause dangerous drops in blood sugar levels, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.


This is particularly true of alcohol. Alcohol is primarily broken down by two specific enzymes, alcohol hydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde hydrogenase (ALDH). Although our livers play a vital role in helping us deal with alcohol, our stomachs, pancreases and even our brains are involved. The first stage involves ADH turning alcohol into acetaldehyde, a highly toxic substance which is a known carcinogen (a substance that can cause cancer). Fortunately, this is where ALDH comes into play, quickly turning acetaldehyde into acetate. This can be broken down into carbon dioxide and water, which can easily be eliminated by our bodies.

People talk about “one unit per hour” – the idea that our livers can process 10ml of pure alcohol each hour after it’s been consumed – but that is just a rule of thumb.

At a biological level, there is nothing we can do about how these particular enzymes work. That is determined by the genes we were born with. But learning how our bodies work can help us make better choices, including understanding what alcohol does to other aspects of our metabolism.

Alcohol Consumption & Weight Loss

  • Any weakening of the stomach will lessen the rate and efficiency at which food is digested.
  • Interferes with a healthy metabolism.
  • Interferes  the weight loss process.
  • Impairs body’s ability to absorb nutrients and vitamins from the food you eat.
  • Damages  body’s ability to absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. 
  • At seven calories per gram, alcohol supplies almost twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates. 
  • In fact, alcohol has only two fewer calories than fat, which has nine calories per gram.
  •  Calories in alcohol lack the nutrients beneficial for a healthy metabolism and will therefore hasten fat storage.
  •  Because your body can’t store alcohol and must metabolize it right away, other metabolic processes suffer.
  • Your body won’t metabolize sugars and fats as efficiently during the metabolism of alcohol, and drinking can cause your metabolism to slow.
  •  This can contribute to weight gain.

Alcohol & it’s side effects

Alcohol can have adverse effects :

  • Weaken Kidneys
  • Leading to serious health problems
  • Drunken cells causes brittle bones
  • Provokes sex desire but takes away the performance
  • Under supply of male sex hormones
  • Shrinkage of testicles
  • In growth of breast due to rise in oestrogen levels 

Reduce Drunkenness Effects

  • Ginger Juice or a ginger piece
  • Water of soaked dates
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Cabbage dipped in vinegar
  • Celery Juice
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds with 1 glass of water induces vomiting

Ultimately, when it comes to our drinking, our weight, and any other aspect of our lives, we can choose how we live in the bodies that nature has given us. And we can choose to live well.


Being smart about eating healthy

I am just back from my Christmas and New year holidays and I feel rejuvenated. This trip was special as I planned a healthy trip by eating healthy this time. Our health routine at home always goes on toss as we go out of our home. But not this time. Me and my husband researched the place well before we started and prepare an itinerary where we are having new places to visit each day and having a treat each day too. I wanted to share my tips on how we can eat right when we are on vacation. It might help you the plan your trip wisely too.

  • Tip1: Pack yourself some home-made snacks that you can keep handy while on the go. One can pack protein bars, ladoos, roasted peanuts, chane, gur chikki, dry fruits.  Keep them in air tight (or zip locked) small packets so that if you are carrying a single bag, you can just carry one packet for each item in a day and not carry full container. While on long drives eating healthy instead of buying anything from outside shop you can use these snacks for munching when on feel hungry or when you don’t find a good place to eat. This helps us in many ways. It saves time from breaks when you feel too hungry. It also gives body right nutrition on the go. You don’t really skip a meal this way as one tends to eat more by end of the day if they skip meal.
  • Tip 2: Keep your body hydrated always. Usually one tends to ignore water when on vacation. Sometimes when you don’t carry your water bottle, sometimes because you don’t get water near by or for other multiple reasons. Make sure to leave for the day with sufficient water bottles with you. Do carry your own water bottle that one can refill on the go. So that you always have water available with you. This will keep your body active. Also, on vacations when we are in sun most of the time, our body needs more water. We tend to drink more beverages when we feel thirsty which in turn adds up the calories.
  • Tip 3: Walking is your best friend. Do plan to wake up at such a time where you can just walk around the place you are staying. Or plan trekking in a day or visit places near by which you can reach by just walking. Walking is the best exercise when you are on vacation. It gives you good reason to properly look around areas where you are staying and also gives you less headache to watch for traffic.
  • Tip 4: Have fruits and vegetables always on your platter when you are on vacation. One tends to eat more of junk while on vacation. Although if we look around, we always have fruits and salad section in buffet or you can order one if ala-carte. If we go outside also, we do see local fruits vendor on roads. Do eat some fruits and vegetables to body right nutrition which gets skipped on holidays, so that body gets right number of vitamins and fiber.
  • Tip 5: Holidays can be stressful and people eat when they’re stressed. This year, at the beginning of the holiday season, make clear decisions about how you want to spend your time and resources. Think about what is most important to you and what you can give up. If you feel less frazzled, you won’t need as much comfort food.
  • Tip 6: Eating opportunities and celebrations are all around us when we are vacationing, and we’re in the “I’m on VACATION!” mindset. That’s when we will be the most vulnerable to eating even if we aren’t hungry and not stopping when we are comfortable. Especially if you’re enjoying a buffet during the holidays. Take small portions and only eat the food you truly like. There’s no need to heap your plate full. яндекс You can always return for more.
  • Tip 7: For some holidays means lot of alcohol, smoking and junk food. Alcohol dehydrates the body, disturbs the sleep pattern. Junk food too gives you too much sugar in one go and keep you in high energy even at nights. When you don’t get right sleep at night, you wake up late or feel lazy in morning, then the whole day seems to be task. Instead eat everything in moderation and eat only when you are hungry.

I hope above tips help you to plan you vacations wisely and guide you in eating healthy food. A good planning always gives less stress. When you are on vacation, it doesn’t make sense to deprive yourself of an enjoyable food; the trick is carrying “moderation” in your back pocket.

Happy Holidays !!